
Further details will be emailed to all members when booking for an event becomes available.

Full Members receive discounted prices on most 'paid for' events and will benefit from 'Free' events where guests may attend for a fee.

Programme of Events :- More events will be added throughout the year and can be viewed here. 


November 2023

Wed 8th Free -Illustrated Talk with refreshments - 

St Peter's Church Meeting Room, Henleaze.

Hidden Gems of Koeln -Speaker, Christine Heuger; 7.30pm

December 2023

Wed 6th Nikolausabend Party - Bristol Commonwealth Society; 7pm

January 2024

Wednesday 24th Quiz Night (Virtual quiz) 7.30pm

February 2024

Thursday 15th Into the Alps: A Modern Obsession. - (Virtual Illustrated Talk)

Dr Richard McClelland

March 2024

Tuesday 19th German migrant musicians in 20th century Britain - Dr Florian Scheding.

An Illustrated talk with music. - Refreshments will be served - Free to members

St Peter's Church Meeting Room, Henleaze, 7.30pm

April 2024

Thursday 25th AGM & Talk in Accessible German - German Media, Past & Present

Dr. Mark Allinson; 

Free to Members; refreshments will be served; Venue, The Apostle Room.

May 2024

Wednesday 22nd Illustrated Talk & light refreshments - Free to Members

Films, Books, Spies & More! Ski Resorts in Switzerland & Austria

John Greenwood 

St Peter's Church Meeting Room, Henleaze, 7.45pm

June 2024

Sunday 23rd Summer Party for Members & Guests - Berwick Lodge - 3pm -5pm

September 2024

Sunday 1st Frühschoppen- The Home of The Greenwoods - 11.00am -1.00pm

Drinks & Canapes in the Garden!

October 2024

Wednesday 2nd Illustrated Talk with refreshments - Free to Members

Music! (Title tbd)

Speaker- Jonathan Price 

St Peter's Church, Henleaze -Meeting Room; 7.45pm 

November 2024

Wednesday 6th Illustrated Talk with refreshments - Free to Members

The Restoration of The Reichstag, 

Speaker - George Ferguson

St Peter's Church, Henleaze - Meeting Room; 7.45pm

December 2024

Friday 6th Nikolausabend Party and Supper - Bristol Commonwealth Society; 7pm

Members will be notified of booking arrangements.

January 2025

Date TBC Quiz Night! - Virtual Quiz on Zoom

February 2025

Date TBC Illustrated Talk - Virtual on Zoom

Conversation Group

A conversation group meets on the last Friday of each month between September and May (excluding December); 1pm - 3pm - The topics for discussion are suggested in advance.