Meetings and Events

The society holds a series of  Illustrated talks  and other events such as quizes and social events throughout the year. 

Members will be notified nearer to the date of each event and will be given the details of how to book.

The schedule of meetings is shown on the full BAGS programme

Full, paid up members are able to receive a discount on events. 

Lecture Meetings - Illustrated Talks

The Society  holds Lecture Meetings where an illustrated talk is given on a subject of interest, often by members of BAGS. Light refreshments are served at these meetings and there is no cost to full, paid up members. Guests may be invited and may attend at a small cost.

The talks may be given in German,  English or sometimes in a combination of both, to cater for the language abilities of all members.

These meetings are held at various venues around Bristol.

Other Events

Other events such as the Summer Party, Nikolausabend Party and Frühschoppen are held at a considerably subsidised cost to full, paid up members.